Judaism and Health

Judaism and Health
The first state-of-the-art, comprehensive resource to encompass the wide breadth of the rapidly growing field of Judaism and health.
For Jews, religion and medicine (and science) are not inherently in conflict, even within the Torah-observant community, but rather can be friendly partners in the pursuit of wholesome ends, such as truth, healing, and the advancement of humankind.
This authoritative volume—part professional handbook, part scholarly resource, and part source of practical information for laypeople—melds the seemingly disparate elements of Judaism and health into a truly multidisciplinary collective, enhancing the work within each area and creating new possibilities for synergy across disciplines. It is ideal for medical and healthcare providers, rabbis, educators, academic scholars, healthcare researchers and caregivers, congregational leaders, and laypeople with an interest in the most recent and most exciting developments in this new, important field.
Rabbi Rachel Adler, PhD • Rabbi Richard Address, DMin • Ronald M. Andiman, MD • Barbara Breitman, DMin • Rabbi Anne Brener, LCSW • Shelly Thomas Christensen, MA • Rabbi William Cutter, PhD • Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein, LMSW • Rabbi Nancy Epstein, MPH, MAHL • Elizabeth Feldman, MD • Rabbi Naomi Kalish, BCC • Rabbi Lynne F. Landsberg • Jeff Levin, PhD, MPH • Judith Margolis, MFA • Adina Newberg, PhD • Kenneth I. Pargament, PhD • David Pelcovitz, PhD • Steven Pirutinsky, MS • Michele F. Prince, LCSW, MAJCS • Rabbi Stephen B. Roberts, MBA, BCC • David H. Rosmarin, PhD • Fred Rosner, MD, MACP • Rabbi Julie Schwartz • Devora Greer Shabtai • Rabbi Mychal B. Springer • Rabbi Shira Stern, DMin, BCC • Rabbi David A. Teutsch, PhD • Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, MD • Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, LCSW • Rabbi Nancy Wiener, DMin
Praise for Judaism and Health
“Reveals why healing without spirituality is a contradiction in terms…. Will inform anyone who cares about humane, compassionate healthcare, regardless of their religious affiliation…. I wish this volume had been available when I was a young physician.”
Larry Dossey, MD, author, One Mind: Why Our Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters; executive editor, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing
“Assembles wise teachers and professionals to muster the ancient wisdom of a resilient people on behalf of greater vitality and robust life.”
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, DHL, author, God of Becoming and Relationship: The Dynamic Nature of Process Theology and Passing Life’s Tests: S piritual Reflections on the Trial of Abraham, the Binding of Isaac
“Fabulous—a very impressive collection, and a real contribution to the field.”
Rabbi Dayle Friedman, MSW, MAJCS, BCC, founder, Hiddur: The Center for Aging and Judaism; founding director of chaplaincy services, Philadelphia Geriatric Center; author, Jewish Visions for Aging: A Professional Guide for Fostering Wholeness
“As it is in life, it is in print too: Judaism and health are a proper and fitting pair…. Judaism informs health so that we all may live better.”
Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky, coeditor, Jewish Men Pray: Words of Yearning, Praise, Petition, Gratitude and Wonder from Traditional and Contemporary Sources; author, Jewish Paths toward Healing and Wholeness: A Personal Guide to Dealing with Suffering